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Diet Plateau

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Diet Plateau
Diet plateau is a stage when you are neither losing nor gaining weight, not an uncommon occurrence. Incorporate diet plateau busters to keep the weighing scale moving in the right direction.

You have adopted a diet plan in order to achieve weight loss. You have bid goodbye to old eating habits, even given up favorite foods. Conscientiously adhering to the plan has started to show the desired results. Your body is responding to the diet plan and you are losing weight. You are almost there- reaching the desired goal. Your hard work is about to finally pay off. You just need to lose the last few pounds. Suddenly, you don't seem to lose weight. The weight reduction literally stops or slows down to almost nothing.

This is a stage when you are likely to feel the weight no longer coming off. This is termed as reaching or hitting a plateau. A stage when you are neither losing nor gaining weight. In all probability, it is not an uncommon occurrence. It is a very common occurrence prone to happen at some point or other with almost everyone who is on a diet. Read further. Find detailed information pertaining to diet plateau. Explore the ways and means to conquer diet plateau. Keep the weight scale moving in the right direction for the desired results.

Diet plateau, why it happens?

During the few weeks, the body's response to a diet program is very encouraging. The body is subject to new changes in terms of food intake. During this time, the calorie intake is low whereas the body metabolism is high. This brings about instant, steady weight reduction. Plateau sets in when the body has become accustomed to the routine.

The diet program isn't new anymore. The body is tuned and has settled down to adjust by burning fewer calories; the metabolism slows down in order to conserve energy. At this point, the weight loss is slow or absolutely nil. The diet program and the exercise regimen wouldn't produce results. It may get harder to lose weight.

You are convinced that you have reached a plateau. When you notice the weight scale turning down for a week, perhaps for another two more weeks, do not give up. For if you give up now, it means taking a retreat. You may slip back to where you started. On the other hand, if you take steps to make certain amendments, reaching the ultimate weight loss goal is a definite outcome.

Plateaus are likely to be experienced by repetitive dieters several times over the course of a weight reduction program. It is not a permanent phenomenon. But, a temporary situation.

Possible factors for diet plateau

Same workouts, less body activity: Engaging in routine exercise and not doing enough activity is considered an important factor. Many people believe exercising is sufficient. They tend to ignore and keep away from activities that help burn off the energy from food or even overcome a slow metabolism.

Not eating enough: Feeling lethargic, irritable or insatiably hungry, these are signals that are to be understood as denial of enough nutrition for the body and mind. Dieters firmly believe, eating less means losing weight. Keen on seeing fast results, dieters may skip meals more often. The body goes into a starvation mode deprived of even the basics. The consequence is lowered metabolism. The body is denied enough fuel required to sustain certain level of activity and can actually stop losing weight. It is pertinent to realize the importance of maintaining sufficient calorie intake for optimum weight. Further, if the starvation continues, the blood sugar can drop too low and the appetite may increase. The food intake at the next meal will be more; one may tend to eat far too much.

Specifically for women, a variety of factors like hormones, medicines and menstrual cycles can affect expected results from diet programs. Other non-gender specific factors are depressed metabolic rate, blood sugar/insulin imbalance, toxic overload, under active thyroid, taking prescription medicines, food allergies and stress.

Diet Plateau busters

You can overcome diet plateau. Begin with examining your diet as well as the exercise program. Plan a strategy to move forward towards the finish line. Consider making required changes. You cannot expect difference in results unless if you continue the same routine.

Check goals: Have you set realistic weight reduction goals? Each individual is unique, what works for your friend or neighbor may not be suitable for you. Understand your body type and seek realistic goals. If required, talk to your health care professional and seek opinion.

Be honest, self-monitor: Monitor eating habits, pay attention to types of food as well as the portions consumed. You are likely to discover areas that are off-the track, incorporate changes.

Changes in calorie intake: Effect changes in daily calorie intake but maintain the same weekly intake. For example take only 1500 calories one day and increase to 2100 calories the next day. Effective means of increasing or decreasing calories can be by way of doubling the portions, or introducing a post-workout into the existing plan.

Do strength training exercise: Strength training exercise basically involves working your muscles which in turn strengthen bone tissue, increases the lean mass and ultimately improve metabolic rate.

Effect changes in Exercise routine: Changes that are more challenging, intense in nature will change the way your body is working. Hitherto, other than your sleeping time, be continuously active. Bring about changes in exercise program every 4-6 weeks. Adopt more challenging workouts. Also engage in different kinds of activities like cycling, swimming, ice-skating, dancing or even rock climbing. When you engage in such activities, you are adding variety and the total hours spent increases. As a result, you end up burning more energy to bring about a noticeable weight reduction.

Eat differently: Bring about marked changes in what you are eating. Move from a moderate diet that is higher in carbohydrates to eating less carbohydrate. Include more protein. Break away from the routine and keep making alterations. Strike a balance. Don't skip breakfast, drink 8 glasses of water, eat healthy food, and take small sized meals or snacks 5-6 times a day.

Change meal order, portion: Eating less, more often is an old and common style of eating well. Add snacks between the three meals. You can see marked changes in the metabolic rate.

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