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Pregnancy Problem

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Pregnancy Problem
Bleeding during pregnancy is a common pregnancy problem that alarms many a woman. Read through this informative guide on various pregnancy complications that can threaten a pregnancy. This article throws light on ectopic pregnancy, diabetes during pregnancy and miscarriage.

Pregnancy can throw up many a complication or problem. Bleeding during pregnancy or even spotting during pregnancy is a condition that alarms women. This article examines some of the possible reasons for this. We also take a look at pregnancy problems such as ectopic pregnancy and chemical pregnancy. Read on to find out some common reasons for a miscarriage and your chances of pregnancy after this pregnancy complication. Diabetes during pregnancy has also been discussed in depth here.

Bleeding during pregnancy

Bleeding during pregnancy can have either serious or minor implications. The causes of pregnancy bleeding are many and the severity depends on the stage of the pregnancy it occurs in. Minor spotting during pregnancy can occur when the fertilized egg travels down the fallopian tubes and attaches itself to the lining of the uterus. This type of pregnancy bleeding is known as implantation bleeding. Spotting during early pregnancy can also be indicative of an infection.

Another cause for pregnancy bleeding is a spontaneous miscarriage that means an end of the pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancy can also lead to bleeding in early pregnancy. It is common for some women to have light spotting during pregnancy. Not all bleeding during pregnancy is dangerous.

Any bleeding or spotting in late pregnancy should be brought to the notice of your doctor immediately. The cause for this type of spotting in late pregnancy may be minor but it can be indicative of a more serious problem. It can mean that the placenta has detached itself from the uterine wall and may endanger the fetus. Another reason for bleeding in late pregnancy can be an inflamed cervix. Very late in pregnancy, bleeding is also a sign of labor.

Pregnancy problem

A pregnancy problem that occurs to many women is high blood pressure. Taking your blood pressure regularly is one way to detect this pregnancy complication. Other pregnancy problems that can crop up:

  • no heart sounds
  • cramping
  • no fetal movement
  • spotting, blood clots

A common pregnancy problem is urinary tract infection. This happens due to the enlarged uterus slowing the flow of urine by pressing against the tubes. Such infections can lead to pregnancy complications such as preterm labor and premature rupture of the uterine membranes.

Ectopic pregnancy symptoms

Ectopic pregnancies can be tubal, abdominal, ovarian, corneal or cervical. Most of the time, an ectopic pregnancy is a tubal pregnancy. The causes for tubal pregnancy are not fully known. But these conditions can be indicative of a higher risk for ectopic pregnancy.

  • Previous history of ectopic pregnancy
  • Infertility
  • Pelvic or abdominal surgery
  • Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)

Symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy are abdominal pain, bleeding and weakness and dizziness. Ultrasound is used to detect this type of pregnancy. An ectopic pregnancy will require you to have surgical treatment done as soon as the diagnosis is done. Surgical procedures are followed in instances where the tube ruptures or there are other complications. Chemical treatment of tubal pregnancy is done in non-urgent cases so as to dissolve the pregnancy without any harm to the tubes and other organs. The efficacy of the chemical treatment is done by monitoring the HCG levels.

Pregnancy diabetes

Pregnancy diabetes is a type of diabetes that occurs during gestation and disappears after the delivery. Pregnancy is a situation when more insulin is required by the body. In the event that the pancreas does not produce them in adequate amount, diabetes occurs. After childbirth, the need for insulin comes back to normal levels and gestational diabetes disappears. But women who have had pregnancy diabetes run an increased risk of developing Type 2 diabetes later. This risk can be substantially reduced by maintaining a healthy body weight, exercise and diet. Pregnancy diabetes has no external symptoms and can be detected through screening and measuring the blood glucose values.

Pregnancy diabetes can be suitably treated with a diet. Medication is sometimes used to treat pregnancy diabetes. If left unattended, pregnancy diabetes can result in babies born too large or with other complications like deformities and illnesses. It can result in toxaemia (blood poisoning) and high blood pressure for the mother. Babies of diabetic mothers are closely monitored after birth to rule out any abnormalities. Symptoms of gestational diabetes are:

  • Feeling of thirst
  • Frequent urination
  • Loss of weight
  • General weakness

Progesterone pregnancy

Progesterone is used as a fertility drug or as supplements administered after ovulation. This hormone is also used in most forms of assisted reproductive technology (ART). Progesterone in pregnancy is given either as pills, injections, gels and sublingual capsules. Progesterone plays an important role in pregnancy by maintaining the functions of the placenta and fighting off unwanted cells near the womb.

Progesterone in pregnancy plays the important role of preventing the uterus from any spasms or spontaneous movements. Strengthening the pelvic walls to prepare for labor is another important function of progesterone hormone in pregnancy. At the end of the pregnancy, progesterone levels secreted by the placenta drop. This leads to uterine contractions and subsequent labor.

Pregnancy after miscarriage

Nearly 15-20% of pregnancies result in a miscarriage, more so in the first three months. When miscarriages happen three or more times, it is referred to as repeated miscarriage or habitual abortion. Causes of miscarriage can be many:

  • Chromosomal problems can result in multiple pregnancy losses. The structure of the chromosome or the genetic material it carries may have a problem resulting in a miscarriage.
  • Uterine abnormalities such as a double uterus or one that is separated by a wall can result in miscarriages.
  • Hormonal imbalance, referred to as a luteal phase defect is usually the cause of a pregnancy resulting in a miscarriage. This happens when there is not enough progesterone to sustain a pregnancy.
  • At times, the mother's body sees the fetus as a foreign body and attacks it instead of accepting it. These can be the resultant of the immune difference between the mother and father.
  • Other factors that could result in a miscarriage could be thyroid problems, health conditions or exposure to chemicals or drugs or x rays.

Pregnancy after a miscarriage need not be a difficult process. The chances of a successful pregnancy after miscarriage are high. Once the cause of the miscarriage is determined, the future pregnancy can be undertaken with special monitoring. It is generally advised that you should go in for a complete physical examination for blood assay, genetic counseling and testing of reproductive organs. Those who have had repeated miscarriages can go into for ultrasound and hysteroscopy to visualize the reproductive organs and detect any structural problems of the uterus, if any.

Chemical pregnancy

These days the term chemical pregnancy is discussed often. What is a chemical pregnancy? It is a clinical term used to describe a pregnancy that is confirmed by a test but not by clinical signs. The blood HCG levels are low and it is believed that fertilization occurs and the egg attached itself to the uterine wall but the embryo doesn't develop. This blighted ovum is the cause of nearly half the miscarriages occurring in the first trimester.

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