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Sublative Rejuvenation

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Sublative Rejuvenation
Sublative rejuvenation could perhaps be the closest thing you could get to a younger looking face without surgery to tackle fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, crow's feet and sun damage.

Over time, the texture of your skin gradually changes. Hydration, collagen and elastin which make the skin soft, smooth and youthful diminish due to hormones, pollution and lifestyle causing dramatic changes on how the skin appears and feels. Collagen loss tends to cause the skin to become thin. This requires the skin to be built up from underneath and stimulated on the surface.

Rough, weathered and leathery looking skin is also common since moisture level drops and water is lost. This is the price for spending too much time in the sun. It damages the skin by causing inflammation. Weathered skin is laden with deep wrinkles. Sublative rejuvenation works to repair and stimulate collagen production with pulsed light treatments, with minimum downtime.

What is Sublative rejuvenation ?

This is an alternative to harsher treatments like chemical peels and microdermabrasion. Touted as safest technology with lesser downtime than other laser procedures, Sublative rejuvenation is effective on all types of skin and tones. The procedure harnesses the power of radio frequency energy deep currents, to penetrate the skin and stimulate collagen production, while keeping the outer layer of skin intact.

Instead of using light or lasers, Sublative rejuvenation uses radio frequency technology to tighten skin, erase fine lines, shrink large pores and heal acne scarring. It is also useful in your battle against stretch marks and crows feet.

Sublative rejuvenation suitability

Those looking to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and also skin laxity and scarring with minimum downtime can undergo this procedure. However, do not opt for Sublative rejuvenation if you are pregnant, fitted with pacemakers, internal defibrillators or metal implants. Persons suffering diabetes, autoimmune disease, history of cold sores, those with injectable fillers in the area should consult their medical practitioner prior to this procedure.

How does Sublative rejuvenation work ?

A typical Sublative protocol consists of three to five treatments, spaced four to six weeks apart. Due to increased levels of collagen and elastin and new healthy cells, the patient can expect improvement in tone and texture. The bipolar radio frequency used in Sublative rejuvenation keeps the top layer of the skin from getting damaged by allowing energy to get beneath the exterior of the skin.

By placing fractionated bi-polar radio frequency directly into the dermis, Sublative stimulates the production of collagen, regenerating a more youthful complexion, reducing wrinkles, pores, acne scarring and other skin related issues.

This does not require injections and is a non-invasive treatment. Each pulse delivers the radio frequency energy by a grid of matrix spots. This stimulates skin injury in tiny target areas. Fibroblasts regenerate and remodel in these areas leading to improved skin texture. The surrounding untreated tissues play a supportive role by accelerating the healing process of the skin. The procedure stimulates the patient’s collagen to remodel and restructure. Most patients opt for three to four sitting with each treatment taking about 30 minutes.

What benefit can the patient expect ?

A noticeable reduction of fine lines, wrinkles and acne and other scarring can be expected from this procedure. An improvement in skin texture and skin laxity can be seen over a period of three to six months for optimal results. Maintenance treatment may be necessary in some. Results are cumulative and improve over time as collagen processes work beneath the skin surface.

Does the treatment hurt ?

The treatment is not painless but unlike aggressive treatments, Sublative rejuvenation is tolerable and the pain bearable although many patients feel a warm, prickly sensation. A pink or red sunburn appearance and feeling is common. Topical anesthetic ointment and cooling can be used to reduce unpleasant sensations during treatment.

The pain could be similar to tiny needles jabbing on your face, which once done and ice packs applied will wear off. The skin can appear to be irritated pink for about 48 hours.

What does it cost?

Sublative treatments do not come cheap and prices vary depending upon the combination of treatments chosen. The cost could vary anywhere between $525 and $ 1600 per treatment for eMatrix which is one of the most popular brands of Sublative rejuvenation around in the US. A full round of five treatments could be quite costly.

What are the risks and side effects from Sublative resurfacing?

The procedure can be uncomfortable, although a topical anesthetic is applied on the skin prior to the treatment for 30 minutes. Swelling and redness after the procedure can last from hours to days and occasionally even up to a week and beyond.

As with any resurfacing procedure, it can result in scar or infection. Darkening or lightening of the skin as a result of the procedure though rare is theoretically possible. It is imperative that all potential risks and side effects are discussed with the medical provider prior to treatment.

Combination treatments for Sublative rejuvenation

Alternative forms of treatment include Botox cosmetic, injectable fillers, and CO2 resurfacing, surgery, chemical peels, microdermabrasion and tropical therapies. Combination treatments are commonly performed for Sublative rejuvenation, when two treatments are performed together to get maximum improvement in texture and firmness as well as reduction in the sagging of the skin.

Many other cosmetic treatments such as injectable fillers may be combined with Sublative rejuvenation for those who desire maximum aesthetic result.

Benefits of Sublative rejuvenation

This is an FDA approved treatment for fine lines and wrinkles, acne scars and stretch marks, textural irregularities that could be caused by excessive sun exposure and skin tightening.

The procedure has little or no downtime post treatment with a full face treatment session taking less than 20 minutes. Patients can return to regular activities following treatment.

Sublative rejuvenation works from the inside out by stimulating cell re-growth, unlike other non aggressive cosmetic treatments such as Botox, fillers or chemical peels. Chances are the results of Sublative rejuvenation can last longer and can be further enhanced with yearly maintenance treatments. It is said to be safe and effective on all skin types and degrees of pigmentation.

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