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Birth Control Shot

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Birth Control Shot
Birth control shot provides protection against pregnancy through hormones. Read up on the possible side effects of this type of birth control measure.

Just like oral contraceptives, birth control injections work at suppressing ovulation. With a success rate of nearly 99.7 %, these hormonal injections are effective for 12 weeks. The hormonal birth control shots are also known as DMPA - depot medroxyprogesteroneacetate. The most popular brand name for birth control injections is Depo Provera.

Depo Provera

The birth control shot of Depo-Provera is a long-acting form of the hormone progesterone. High levels of progesterone that are injected into the body through birth control shots suppress ovulation. It also causes thickening of the cervical mucus thereby making it hostile for the sperm to survive. Birth control protection offered by Depo shots is immediate if it is administered within the first five days of the menstrual period.

It is effective for women who cannot take estrogen. There is lesser menstrual cramping as well as lesser chance of anemia when on such birth control injections. Besides, it decreases the risk of endometrial cancer, ovarian cancer and pelvic inflammatory disease. Depo birth control shots can be used while Breastfeeding.

Depo Provera is not recommended for long-term use since it has some side effects. Irregular bleeding is a common side effect of using Depo Provera. Some women complain of longer or heavier menstrual bleeding. Some women who are on birth control injections also experience depression, skin rash, weight gain and nausea. Hair loss or increased hair growth on the face and body can also result from use of birth control shots. It is noticed that some women experience decreased sexual drive. Some studies have shown that women using Depo Provera may experience loss of bone density that may increase their risk of osteoporosis.

Therefore women who are on birth control injections are advised to take plenty of calcium and keep up an exercise regimen. Women taking medication for Cushing's syndrome may not receive adequate birth control protection from Depo Provera. Birth control shots do not offer any protection against sexually transmitted infections. Sometimes, there is a slight delay of return to fertility in some women.

Birth Control Injection

Birth control shots are not recommended for women who want to become pregnant in the near future or those who have unexplained vaginal bleeding. Women who are diabetic or have recently suffered from liver disease are allowed to use Depo birth control shots only under close medical supervision.

A birth control injection can cost between $30 and $75. Private health care providers are more expensive than family planning clinics. If you are on birth control shots and you notice yellowing of skin or eyes or severe abdominal pain or a new lump in the breast, Wyou must consult your health provider immediately.

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