$lcat_name Category"; $rime1 = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) from links WHERE link_val LIKE 'yes' AND cat_id LIKE '$cat'") or die(mysql_error()); $totalnum = mysql_result($rime1, 0, 0); $rime2 = mysql_query("SELECT * from category WHERE lcat_id='$cat'") or die(mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($rime2)) { extract($row); $id = $row["lcat_id"]; $name = $row["lcat_name"]; $sub_cat = $row["sub_cat"]; $navigator = $name . "" ; $rime5= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM category WHERE lcat_id='$sub_cat'"); $lista = mysql_num_rows($rime5); $rowa = mysql_fetch_array($rime5); $ida = $rowa["lcat_id"]; $namea = $rowa["lcat_name"]; $sub_cat = $rowa["sub_cat"]; $linnk1 = "$namea >"; $navigator = $linnk1 . " " .$navigator; while ($sub_cat > 0) { $rime3= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM category WHERE lcat_id='$sub_cat'"); $lista = mysql_num_rows($rime3); $rowa = mysql_fetch_array($rime3); $ida = $rowa["lcat_id"]; $namea = $rowa["lcat_name"]; $sub_cat = $rowa["sub_cat"]; $linnk = "$namea >"; } $navigator = $linnk . " " . $navigator; ?>

Targetwoman Women Directory :: $nam Category

"; echo "Targetwoman Women Directory > $navigator
"; $resulta = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM category WHERE sub_cat='$lcat_id'"); $lista = mysql_num_rows($resulta); if ($lista != 'NULL' ) { echo ""; echo ""; $na=1; while ($ia < $lista) { $rowa = mysql_fetch_array($resulta); $ida = $rowa["lcat_id"]; $namea = $rowa["lcat_name"]; $sub_cat = $rowa["sub_cat"]; if ($na==4) { echo ""; echo ""; $ia++; $na=1; } else { echo ""; $na++; $ia++; } } echo "
Other subcategories:"; echo "$namea "; echo "
"; //echo "$namea"; echo "$namea"; echo "
"; } //articles if($a=='ca') { # display the corresponding category $file = array( "1"=>'beauty.htm', "2"=>'health.htm', "3"=>'parenting.htm', "4"=>'shopping.htm', "5"=>'recreation.htm', "6"=>'money.htm', "7"=>'home-garden.htm', "8"=>'food.htm', "9"=>'diet.htm', "10"=>'work.htm' ); if(isset($file["$cat"]) and is_file($file["$cat"])){ include($file["$cat"]); } } } $rime = mysql_query("SELECT * from links WHERE link_val like 'yes' AND cat_id LIKE '$cat' ORDER BY rate DESC, link_pop DESC, hits DESC LIMIT $offset, $limit") or die(mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($rime)) { extract($row); if ($rate > 0) { $arate = sprintf ("%.2f", ($rating / $rate)); } else { $arate = '0'; } //new changes if($a != 'ca'){ $linko=str_replace("http://","",$link_url); // Redirection 28/8/13 $link_url='https://www.targetwoman.com/cgi-bin/find.pl?' . $link_url; echo " $link_name
"; echo " $link_desc
"; echo " $linko "; echo " More Details on $link_name

"; } } freddyShowNav($totalnum, $query, $offset, $limit,$a); function freddyShowNav($totalnum, $query, $offset, $limit,$a) { global $PHP_SELF; $query=explode("=",$query); $query=$query[1]; if ($totalnum > $limit) { // calculate number of pages needing links $pages = intval($totalnum/$limit); // $pages now contains int of pages needed unless there is a remainder from division if ($totalnum%$limit) $pages++; if (($offset + $limit) > $totalnum) { $lastnum = $totalnum; } else { $lastnum = ($offset + $limit); } ?>
"; } return; } echo "" ?> $limit) { // calculate number of pages needing links $pages = intval($totalnum/$limit); // $pages now contains int of pages needed unless there is a remainder from division if ($totalnum%$limit) $pages++; if (($offset + $limit) > $totalnum) { $lastnum = $totalnum; } else { $lastnum = ($offset + $limit); } ?>
$sitename : Search Links

"; ?>
Search :      
$link_name"?> "?> "?>
Targetwoman - Portal Directory for Women
Women Portal
Targetwoman Women Directory lists thousands of high quality websites - carefully chosen by human editors exclusively for women. Combined with the painstakingly written articles from the Women Portal section, we strive hard to offer one of the most rewarding experiences on the Net.
Women Directory

Search Directory

Leading Women Directory - Targetwoman

  • We aim to include only a handful of sites under each category.

  • We prefer quality to quantity.

  • Even if your site is small or just launched, we are ready to offer prime exposure subject to the condition that your site offers something of unique value to our visitors.
  • $link_name
    "; $linko=str_replace("http://","",$link_url); // Redirection 28/8/13 $link_url='https://www.targetwoman.com/cgi-bin/find.pl?' . $link_url; if (!$do){ echo " $link_name
    "; } echo " Description:$link_desc
    "; echo " $linko "; echo "
    $sitename : Search Results"; $first = true; foreach ( $searchwords as $word ) { if ( $first ) { $first = false; $like .= " WHERE "; } elseif ( $andor == "or" ) $like .= " OR "; else $like .= " AND "; $word = chop ( $word ); $like .= "link_val = 'yes' AND (link_id LIKE '%$word%' OR link_name LIKE '%$word%' OR link_desc LIKE '%$word%' OR link_keyword LIKE '%$word%' OR link_url LIKE '%$word%' OR link_pop LIKE '%$word%')"; } $words =$word; if (strlen($words) < 3) { echo "

    TargetWoman Directory search for $search resulted in the following matches : $totalnum pages

    "; ?>
    Search for $search resulted in the following matches : $totalnum pages

    "; $linnk = $nolinkssearch*25; if ($totalnum <= $linnk){ $totalnum = $totalnum; }else{ $totalnum =$linnk; } $rime = mysql_query ("SELECT *,(rating/rate) AS arate FROM links $like ORDER BY hits DESC, arate DESC LIMIT $offset, $limit"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($rime)) { extract($row); echo " $link_name
    "; //echo " $link_name
    "; echo " $link_desc

    "; } $query = $search; $query1 = $andor; ShowNav($totalnum, $query, $offset, $limit, $query1); ?>
    Friday, April 19, 2024

    " width="300" height="200" alt=" category">