A hallmark of a good movie lies in riveting screenplay writing that holds the audience spellbound throughout the movie. A script or screenplay is a document that outlines each visual frame and elaborates on every aural and lingual element of a movie story. Screenplay writing is most often the corroborative work of a team of screenplay writers.
Screenplay writing is probably one of the most remunerative among the writing careers. Joe Esterhaus hit the headlines for earning $3 million for the screenplay for the movie Basic Instinct. Sylvester Stallone wrote the screenplay for Rocky Mountains, acted in it and grew to be a great star himself. Read more interesting facts on screenplay writing.
Screenplay writing career
Screenplay writing encompasses not just movies alone but also stage plays, musicals, television sitcoms and soap operas, multimedia presentations and more. Screenplay writers are either given a story and asked to develop the screenplay or are asked to develop the screenplay based on a novel. Few directors ask writers to produce scripts from concepts, true incidents or literary work like poems, plays, novels or short stories.
Screenplay writers may work as a team too; where they may have assistants working with them. The success of a movie or stage performance lies to a large extent in the screenplay and how it strikes a chord in the audience. Successful screenplays do a good job of visual projection of the storyline.
Role of a screenplay writer
- Studying the story thoroughly.
- Understanding the director's requirements
- Developing the narrative based on the story.
- Writing the screenplay and conveying it. For e.g. developing enthralling stunt scenes, setting up situations for main characters to meet, formulating compelling dialogues that leave a lasting impact on the audience.
- Should have the talent for story telling in a visual medium and dialogue development.
- Should be highly imaginative and creative.
- Should be able to sit for long hours and concentrate on the writing.
- Screenplay writers can make use of screenwriting software packages to prepare the final draft in the required format.
It is essential for aspiring screenplay writers to become familiar with the screenplay formats, coding systems, page numbering etc. You can make use of screenplay writing software packages that aid in margins and indentations, pagination, color coding and reference charts for screenplay elements.
Screenplay writers who want to get their scripts to find a receptive audience are making use of electronic clearing houses and global Internet marketing service. This might ensure that your screenplay script is seen by industry professionals such as publishers, movie producers, agents and film executives.